a2movies – Bollywood, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu Movies Download


If you want to watch any movie, a2movies allows you to view and download videos instantly. a2movies a piracy website which enables you to download movies in a lot of languages, both Bollywood and Hollywood movies as well as dubbed versions. 

a2movies Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu Movies

a2movies allows you to download your favourite movie in different file types. You can watch the film on your computer, laptop, mobile (both ios and android), smart TV and any other viewing device. Thus you can choose the file type which suits your device the best. 

a2movies Malayalam

Downloading movies from a2movies

Downloading movies from a2movies is quite simple, just like any other torrent website, you can search for your favourite film here as well. If you don’t already know, here are the steps involved:-

  1. Download and install a VPN. We would suggest you download Google Chrome and in that install the VPN plugin. Make sure you are using a good VPN.
  2. After downloading the VPN, change your location to the United States and double-check your IP address after that to verify the IP has changed to one from United States of America.
  3. Open the website from the links mentioned below.
  4. If it’s the latest movies, it might be shown on to the homepage itself
  5. Else, you can search for the movie you are looking for using the search bar.
  6. You will have to register first if you are a new user or login with your previous account. 
  7. The results will be shown on the search result page, and you can download from the thumbnail.

Note: During the download, you will see a lot of pop-up ads, since it is an illegal website, they show these pop-up ads to earn money. After seeing a few pop-up ads, your download will finally start. 

a2movies working links (updated 2020)

The website can be accessed from:-

  1. a2movies.come
  2. a2movies.in

Since it is an illegal website, the domain name keeps on changing as once the government bans a particular domain, the owners of the website shift the entire website along with all of its content to a new domain. We constantly update the domain names, in case you know of any working URL, kindly let us know through the comments, and we will update in our post. 

The file size on a2movies

The website allows you to download the movies in various file sizes based on your requirements. If you have a fast internet speed and high memory in your device, you can select a larger file size, if you are running out of space, you can download a smaller version. 

Some of the available file sizes are:-

  1. 300mb
  2. 400mb
  3. 700mb

Alternatives of a2movies

There are a lot of torrent sites out there to download your favourite movies, some of which are mentioned below:-

  1. SkyMoviesHD
  2. TodayPK Movies
  3. 8XFilms
  4. Bolly4u
  5. MovieMAD

Is a2movies legal?

The site being a piracy website is not legal, it is illegal, and you are not supposed to use it. All torrent websites are always unlawful. There are other alternatives to the website which you can use.

Advisory on a2movies

Since it is a torrent website, we do not recommend you to use this website. The reason behind this is, every time you download a movie for free from such sites, the people who made the movie are not paid, in other terms, you are exploiting them for their work. Whereas the people running these websites make a dime. 

a2movies download

We would suggest you rent instead of buying the movie from a verified and lawful platform like YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hotstar, Alt Balaji etc. 

You can buy their monthly or yearly subscriptions and enjoy unlimited content on your favourite device. 


Piracy of any original content under Indian law is a punishable offence. Find Online Info strongly opposes this type of Piracy. The information described in this post is given to you only to provide the necessary information regarding illegal activities.

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